Elite Spx Investigation
SUSPICIOUS? Get Answers, Get Closure, Get the Truth.

If you're concerned and seeking the truth, don't hesitate!

If you're feeling suspicious or suspect your spouse may be unfaithful, it's crucial to uncover the truth. With our extensive experience in infidelity investigations and a network of contacts, we will gather digital evidence to help you make an informed decision.

Don't delay any longer. Reach out to Elite Spx today!

Elite Spx unravels the full narrative.

We at Elite Spx provide Following Services.

  • Surveillance: Monitoring the suspected individual’s activities and interactions.

  • Background Checks: Investigating the suspected individual’s history and background.

  • Digital Forensics: Analyzing digital footprints, such as emails, text messages, and social media activity.

  • Covert Operations: Conducting undercover operations to gather evidence.

  • Witness Interviews: Interviewing individuals who may have knowledge of the situation.

  • GPS Tracking: Using tracking devices to monitor the suspected individual’s vehicle location.

  • Photographic and Video Evidence: Capturing visual evidence of infidelity.

  • Online Surveillance: Monitoring online activities, including social media profiles and dating websites.

  • Asset Searches: Investigating the suspected individual’s assets and financial activities.

  • Legal Support: Providing evidence and support for legal proceedings, such as divorce or child custody cases.

Indicators of Potential Infidelity in Your Partner

  • Changes in Behavior: Noticeable shifts in mood, habits, or personality, such as becoming more distant or secretive.

  • Unexplained Absences: Frequent and unexplained time away from home or sudden overnight trips.

  • Altered Communication: Decreased communication or evasiveness when questioned about their activities.

  • Increased Privacy: Guarding their phone or computer more than usual, changing passwords frequently.

  • Changes in Appearance: Paying more attention to their appearance, including new clothes, hairstyles, or working out more.

  • Unfamiliar Expenses: Unexplained or unusual charges on credit card statements or bank accounts.

  • Emotional Distance: Becoming emotionally detached, less affectionate, or showing a lack of interest in the relationship.

  • Unusual Schedules: Changes in work schedule, working late more often, or claiming to be busy without a reasonable explanation.

  • Social Media Activity: Increased activity on social media, possibly with new or secretive accounts.

  • Intuition: Your own gut feeling or intuition that something isn’t right in the relationship.
